How do you change the value inside of a textfield flutter

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I have a TextEditingController where if a user clicks a button it fills in with information. I can't seem to figure out how to change the text inside of a Textfield or TextFormField. Is there a solution?

Mar 24, 2023 in Flutter by sarit
• 1,830 points

1 answer to this question.

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To change the value inside a TextField or TextFormField in Flutter, use a TextEditingController instance and set its text property to the new value. You can do this in response to user input or in code.

here are some important points to keep in mind when working with TextFields and TextFormField in Flutter:

  1. Use a TextEditingController to control the value of the text field.
  2. To set the initial value of the text field, set the text property of the TextEditingController instance.
  3. To change the value of the text field, set the text property of the TextEditingController instance in response to user input or in code.
  4. To handle user input, you can use the onChanged property of the TextField or TextFormField widget, which is called every time the text changes.
  5. To handle form submission, you can use the onSubmitted property of the TextField or TextFormField widget, which is called when the user submits the form.
  6. Use the validator property of the TextFormField widget to validate the input.
  7. To display errors or other feedback to the user, you can use the errorText property of the TextFormField widget.
  8. Use the obscureText property of the TextFormField widget to hide the text being entered, such as for password fields.
  9. Use the keyboardType property of the TextField or TextFormField widget to set the type of keyboard that is displayed to the user.
  10. Use the inputFormatters property of the TextFormField widget to apply formatting to the input, such as to restrict it to a certain number of characters or to format it as a phone number or credit card number.

I hope these points help you work with TextFields and TextFormField in Flutter!

answered Mar 26, 2023 by Tej

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