Message flutter run No connected devices

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I am trying to create a sample application with Flutter (fresh installation). Android Studio is also installed (fresh installation).

Here is the output of flutter run

flutter run
No connected devices.

The output of flutter doctor:

Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel beta, v0.1.5, on Linux, locale en_US.UTF-8)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 27.0.3)
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.0)
[!] VS Code (version 1.20.1)
[!] Connected devices
! No devices available

! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Mar 6, 2023 in Android by Tejashwini
• 780 points

1 answer to this question.

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It seems that you do not have any device connected to your computer to run the Flutter app. There are a few steps you can follow to resolve this issue:

  1. Connect an Android device to your computer using a USB cable and make sure USB debugging is enabled on your device. You can do this by going to Settings > Developer options > USB debugging and enabling it.

  2. Alternatively, you can use an Android emulator to run your Flutter app. To do this, open Android Studio and go to AVD Manager. Create a new virtual device and select the device you want to use for the emulator.

  3. After connecting a device or starting an emulator, run the command flutter devices to list all the available devices. If you see the connected device or emulator in the list, then you can run the Flutter app using the command flutter run.

  4. If you are still facing issues, try restarting your computer and the device or emulator.

Additionally, you may want to update your VS Code installation and check that it is configured properly for Flutter development. You can find more information about VS Code setup in the Flutter documentation.

To know more, join our Flutter App Development Course today.

answered Mar 9, 2023 by pooja

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