Overall, I'm pretty confused by using AWS Lambda within a VPC. The problem is Lambda is timing out while trying to access an S3 bucket. The solution seems to be a VPC Endpoint
I've added the Lambda function to a VPC so it can access an RDS hosted database (not shown in the code below, but functional). However, now I can't access S3 and any attempt to do so times out.
I tried creating a VPC S3 Endpoint, but nothing has changed.
VPC Configuration
I'm using a simple VPC created by default whenever I first made an EC2 instance. It has four subnets, all created by default.
VPC Route Table
_Destination - Target - Status - Propagated_ - local - Active - No
pl-63a5400a (com.amazonaws.us-east-1.s3) - vpce-b44c8bdd - Active - No - igw-325e6a56 - Active - No
Simple S3 Download Lambda:
import boto3
import pymysql
from StringIO import StringIO
def lambda_handler(event, context):
s3Obj = StringIO()
return boto3.resource('s3').Bucket('marineharvester').download_fileobj('Holding - Midsummer/sample', s3Obj)