I now have a working Data Entry Userform, but I want to duplicate it. I would like an example with 36 fields (144 items without include buttons). Three labels and a TextBox will make up Field 1. (FieldRequired label, Bottom Border, Title, and Data Entry.
In order to generate the aforementioned files with names like Txt1,Txt2,Txt3, Title1, Title2, Title3, Bdr1,Bdr2,Bdr3, Fr1,Fr2,Fr3, and for some, Listbox1,Listbox2, and Listbox3 inside of frames 1–3 must be created manually.
4 fields across and 9 fields down is how I want to divide them.
Is there a simple way to achieve this, or must you do it by hand?
I can sort of accomplish this by applying the formula below, repeating it four times, and adding 80 to the left. I would then need to apply the same formula to the other fields and apply events, fonts, font sizes, etc. to them, but I'm not sure how to do it.
Sub addLabel()
frmUserAdd.Show vbModeless
Dim lblid As Object
Dim lblc As Long
For lblc = 1 To 9
Set lblid = frmUserAdd.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Alert" & lblc, True)
With lblid
.Caption = "*Field Required" & lblc
.Left = 10
.Width = 60
.Top = 30 * lblc
End With
end sub