I want to build a recommender system incorporating diversity and accuracy in the recommender engine

+7 votes
I want to build a recommender system incorporating diversity and accuracy in the recommender engine.

Can someone help me with the ideas for implementing it in python?
Sep 24, 2018 in Python by likhitha
• 190 points
can you provide some more information on what actually you want to do? Have you tried anything!
I want to know how can I build a recommendation system with diversity in it and make a difference in my recommendations. Accuracy and diversity are objectives of recosys.

To know what is diversity you can go through this article:


2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

I dont know what exactly you are looking for. I think you should go through some of these python recommender system libraries.

  • PredictionIO
  • Surprise
  • EasyRec
  • Seldon
  • Crab
  • Rexy
  • CaseRecommender
answered Sep 24, 2018 by slayer
• 29,370 points
Thank you for the reply,

Diversity, Accuracy are objectives of recommendation systems, but to achieve both on a balanced level is a challenging task. To be precise I am looking for how to achieve diversity through my recommendations along with accuracy.

Different methods of defining diversity are given in this paper below:

going through the methods I am not getting how to implement or incorporate them in the recommendation engine and bring diversification in the recommended items.

I have gone through the tutorial for building a use-case model of recommendation engine:

I am looking for a step-by-step approach to build a recommendation engine with diversity in python. So that I can have a clear idea on how to implement.
0 votes
Hey, Likhitha!

Can you tell more about what are you building your recommendation system for? It would help us tell you about the implementation.
answered Sep 25, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points

I am building my recommender systems for movies. And moreover the paper you suggested I have with me, but I am seeking for a tutorial because reading a paper feels fine but to implement It is not helpful.
Hi Digger,

Could you please help me how to build a multi-objective function for movie recommendation system.

I have the papers with me but need help in implementing it practically.


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