If you have certain data that you wish to return, such as the customer name, you can create an object with properties for each of those values. The values would then be returned to Power Automate as that object. The script would appear as follows:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook): SelectedValuesToReturn {
// Get the current worksheet.
let selectedSheet = workbook.getWorksheet("Sheet1");
//values of range
let customerNameValue= selectedSheet.getRange("B3").getValue().toString();
let b4Value = selectedSheet.getRange("B4").getValue().toString();
let b5Value = selectedSheet.getRange("B5").getValue().toString();
let b11Value = selectedSheet.getRange("B11").getValue().toString();
let b12Value = selectedSheet.getRange("B12").getValue().toString();
let b44Value = selectedSheet.getRange("B44").getValue().toString();
return {customerName: customerNameValue, b4: b4Value, b5: b5Value, b11: b11Value, b12: b12Value, b44: b44Value}
interface SelectedValuesToReturn{
customerName: string,
b4: string,
b5: string,
b11: string,
b12: string,
b44: string