If you look at this nice list of preinstalled fonts that Apple compiled, you'll notice 2 things missing.
iOS and macOS System Fonts
- Visual representation of the font. (would be nice, Apple)
- More importantly, the actual font name that you need to use.
As an example, in Xcode/Swift if I want to use Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy I can't use:
contactNameLabel.font = UIFont(name: "Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy", size: 13)
I would have to use:
contactNameLabel.font = UIFont(name: "AppleSDGothicNeo-Heavy", size: 13)
Just wanted to see if anyone has a link that shows these names, or otherwise, what the best practice is for easily finding them.
I apologize that my question is not strictly code related. This is my first Stack Overflow question, and I wish it could be more technical, but I think the answer to this could be helpful to people, including myself. Thanks all.