I'm using interop services to read an excel sheet from C#. One of the cells on my sheet has a value of 0.00. Yet, at runtime, when I verify the value of that cell in C# code, I am receiving the number "1.845E-07". When I checked the Excel sheet and right-clicked on that cell, I saw the value "1.845E-07" in the sample area. How is the value exacted? Please assist me. I am unable to give the code here due to its size. this sentence:
if (Convert.ToString(((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[iRowindex, colIndex_q10]).Value2) != string.Empty)
drRow[dtSourceEXLData.Columns[constants.Floor]] = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[iRowindex, colIndex_q10]).Value2.ToString();
Same problem with Date cell "39448". what does this mean?