To accomplish this, you might need to write your own VBA code that first determines whether the data contains two hyphens and, if so, only changes the first and last words to the correct case, leaving the middle word alone.
Paste the following into a module within Excel:
Function fProperCase(strData As String) As String
Dim aData() As String
aData() = Split(strData, "-")
If UBound(aData) - LBound(aData) = 2 Then ' has two hyphens in the original data
fProperCase = StrConv(aData(LBound(aData)), vbProperCase) & "-" & aData(LBound(aData) + 1) & "-" & StrConv(aData(UBound(aData)), vbProperCase)
Else ' just do a normal string conversion to proper case
fProperCase = StrConv(strData, vbProperCase)
End If
End Function
When that happens, you can use this formula in your worksheet just like you would any built-in formula. For example, if "JOHN-MD-HOPKINS" is in cell A1, you can use this formula in another cell as follows:
Which would display John-MD-Hopkins as required.