How do I create a hyperlink from Word to Excel specific cell without macros vba

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In reference to Creating hyperlinks from Excel FlowChart to MS Word Heading

I need to know the proper syntax for creating a hyperlink from a Word document to a particular cell in an Excel workbook.

For instance: Let's say I want to add a hyperlink to the Excel file DataStuff, but to Cell ZX200, while I'm in the word document "Explaining." Without VBA/MACROS, how would I go about doing this manually?

I already know that to hyperlink to DataStuff I would type


Then hit ENTER. (It then becomes an underlined hyperlink. Clicking on it opens DataStuff)

I would like to add that it should proceed to cell ZX200 rather than just opening DataStuff at cell A1, though. The following is ineffective. Could someone just improve the syntax?

    Does not work:

I don't get how the Excel to Word question was answered in about 10 minutes, and my Word to Excel question accumulated crickets and tumbleweed. No MS Word experts??

I've figured it out after browsing many useless, and useful documents. The correct syntax is:


That should be typed into your word document and will go to cell ZX200 in worksheet Sheet1 in Excel. Using the information fro the hyperlink I had in my question, you now have a wonderful BIJECTION between Word and Excel hyperlinking. So that when you send people somewhere, you can also send them back!

Oct 15, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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All you have to do is copy the Excel cell you wish to reference, then in Word, select "Paste Special" > "Link & Merge Formatting" in the location where you want the link to appear.

A Field is then added to Word, which won't appear as a hyperlink and will instead be greyed out when the pointer is over the text. By performing the following actions, this field can be linked to the particular cell in the Excel file:

  1. Right-click on the field
  2. Then select Linked Worksheet Object > Open Link

Your Excel file should open up to the desired cell.

answered Oct 15, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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