How to combine bold and italic in CSS

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I learned how to make text bold (similar to b&g>this/b> in traditional HTML) and italic (corresponding to i>this/i> in traditional HTML) using the CSS font-style property.

The equivalent of b>this/b> in traditional HTML, I can't seem to find anywhere how to make text have both qualities at once.

Is there a way to do this using pure CSS?

I've tried this:

font-style: italic bold;

The result was that the page ignored both properties, and it was as though I never specified this property at all.

I got the same results when I tried this:

font-style: italic, bold;

I got a different result when I tried this:

font-style: italic; bold;

This time, the first style provided (italic) was used instead of the second (bold).

Is this possible using only CSS?

Aug 23, 2022 in CSS by Edureka
• 13,620 points

edited 5 days ago 5 views

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