I've noticed that most people interchangeably refer ...READ MORE
I've been trying to define the difference ...READ MORE
The "id" and "name" attributes serve the ...READ MORE
What does XHTML implies and is it ...READ MORE
I need to show a nav bar ...READ MORE
What does it do? I saw this ...READ MORE
Can someone tell me if there are ...READ MORE
Can someone let me know the meaning ...READ MORE
I've been building websites for a while, ...READ MORE
The stringent equality operator (===) works exactly like the abstract equality operator (==), with the exception that no type conversion is performed, and the types must be the same to be regarded equal. Javascript Tutorial on Comparison Operators After performing any required type transformations, the == operator will check for equality. Because the === operator does not perform the conversion, it will simply return false if two values are not of the same type. Both are equally fast. "abc" == new String("abc") ...READ MORE
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