Speed up the loop operation in R

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I have a significant R performance issue. A method I created iterates through a data.frame object. It merely aggregates something and adds a new column to a data.frame. (Easy procedure). In the data.frame, there are about 850K rows. I don't know how long the PC has been running; it's been on for roughly 10 hours.

Dayloop 2: function(temp)

I in 1:nrow(temp) for


temp(i,10) - I

if I > 1) {

In the event that ((temp[i,6] == temp[i-1,6]) & (temp[i,3] == temp[i-1,3])) {

i=temp[i,9] + i=temp[i-1,10] - i=temp[i,10]

} else {

I 10, - I 9, temp


} else {

I 10, - I 9, temp



"V10" is the value of names(temp). <- "Kumm."



Any suggestions for accelerating this process?
Jul 20, 2022 in Data Analytics by avinash
• 1,840 points

1 answer to this question.

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To improve the performance of your code, there are a few suggestions you can consider:

  1. Use vectorized operations: Instead of iterating through each row using a loop, try to use vectorized operations. R is highly optimized for vectorized operations, which can significantly speed up computations. Look for opportunities to replace loops with functions like ifelse() or utilize other built-in functions for aggregations.

  2. Avoid growing objects within loops: In your code, it seems like you are modifying the temp data.frame within the loop by adding columns. Modifying the data.frame in each iteration can be inefficient. Instead, consider preallocating the necessary vectors or data.frames before the loop and fill them with the calculated values within the loop.

  3. Utilize specialized packages: R provides several specialized packages for efficient data manipulation and aggregation. For large datasets, consider using packages like data.table or dplyr, which are optimized for speed and memory usage. These packages often offer faster alternatives to base R functions and can significantly improve performance.

  4. Optimize memory usage: Large datasets can consume a considerable amount of memory. Make sure to remove unnecessary objects from memory using rm() and avoid creating redundant copies of data.frames. Additionally, consider converting columns to appropriate data types (e.g., converting character columns to factors or numeric columns to integers) to reduce memory usage.

  5. Profile your code: Use R's profiling tools, such as Rprof() or external profiling packages like profvis, to identify performance bottlenecks in your code. This will help you pinpoint the specific parts that consume the most time and focus on optimizing those sections.

By implementing these suggestions, you should be able to improve the performance of your code and reduce the execution time.

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answered Jun 22, 2023 by anonymous
• 1,420 points

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