Scroll to an element with jQuery

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I have this input element:

  <input type="text" class="textfield" value="" id="subject" name="subject">

Then I have some other elements, like other tag's & <textarea> tag's, etc...

When the user clicks on the <input id="#subject">, the page should scroll to the page's last element, and it should do so with a nice animation (It should be a scroll to bottom and not to top).

The last item of the page is a submit button with #submit:

<input type="submit" class="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Ok, Done.">

The animation should not be too fast and should be fluid.

I am running the latest jQuery version. I prefer to not install any plugin but to use the default jQuery features to achieve this.

Jul 1, 2022 in Web Development by gaurav
• 23,260 points

edited 4 days ago 7 views

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