Kickstarter Funded Projects of IoT including BLE technology

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I apologize in advance. I'm almost certain this question may not be appropriate here, but there doesn't seem to be a specific place on SO for such questions, so I've decided that as a last ditch effort, I'll ask on the main site. Please don't be (too) angry with me....

I'm looking for a specific IoT project, that was developing modules connected by BLE. They were independent modules, say just a speaker, on a coin-sized die connected to each other or a computer via BLE. The project seems to have been succesfully funded on Kickstarter, with an SDK and shipping to the backers, but I can't find them again. I've been searching for a day and a half, but I can't remember for the life of me what they're called. I've searched through my chrome bookmarks, but the computer I was using at the time was a lab system, so I most likely wasn't logged into Google, and those systems are wiped every week. The project was probably from 2014, and they kinda advertised themselves as an easy way to learn HW/SW, and the SDK might have had Code block drag and drop, like Scratch. No combination of search terms that I can think of on Google is bringing up the results I want. Please help, if you know this project, or a specific way to find it.

I'm fairly certain this question will get moved, but before it does, I hope SO's vast and vastly informed community will be able to help me or point me in the right direction....
Sep 4, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

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