I have so far been able to make it so that a background image in the body appears when the pointer is over the div. This has to have an animation that fades in. I've been trying to find a way around this but haven't been successful. I don't have any javascript experience.
enter code here
changeBgImage = () => {
document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url('../Images/Background/wraithback.jpg')";
ogBgImage = () => {
document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url('../Images/Background/black.jpg')";
body {
background-image: url('../Images/Background/black.jpg');
<div class="gwraith"><a href="../Legends/wraith.html ">
<img src="../Images/Legends_pics/wraithchibi.png" width="130vw" class="wraith"
onmouseover="changeBgImage();" onmouseout="ogBgImage();">