Encapsulation of subclasses from a constructor in C

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I apologise if the question is unclear; I wasn't sure how else to put it.

I'm trying to make a card game that has the following classes. The suits are Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, and the value is determined by the product of the card number and the suit multiplier for each suit.

1 = red

2 = blue

3 = green

4 = yellow

abstract class Card;

public class Deck
    private List<Card> deckList;

public class RedCard : Card, suit 
    private int number;

    public int Getvalue()
        return number;

interface suit
    int GetValue();

Is there a method to encapsulate the Card subclasses so that the Deck function Object() { [native code] } doesn't have to know what kind of cards can be added? The goal is to ensure that the Deck class does not need to be changed in the future if I introduce another suit/card subclass.

Jun 10, 2022 in C# by rajiv
• 1,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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If you think about it in terms of real life, you have a Deck that contains instances of Card. The cards in the deck all have the same types of qualities or physical features; they all have a Suit and a Number, and in your business situation, they all have a Value. They are structurally identical; the only difference is in the values for each of the characteristics.

There's no point to build more sub-classes or even interfaces for these Cards if they all have the same properties and behaviours.

We use inheritance and composition (Interfaces) in software design to add attributes and behaviours to the underlying implementation, as well as to change existing behaviour. Inheriting from a Card solely to change the values of the characteristics is an anti-pattern that might lead to misunderstanding later on. The concept of structure vs. content must be clearly distinguished. If the structure and behaviour are in good working order,

You've also defined a list of suits and declared that they have specific integer values; in C#, such fixed lists can be encapsulated with an enum.

public enum Suit : int
    Red = 1,
    Blue = 2,
    Green = 3,
    Yellow = 4

public class Deck
    private List<Card> deckList;

public class Card
    public Suit Suit { get; private set; }
    public int Number { get; private set; }

    public Card (Suit suit, int number)
        this.Suit = suit;
        this.Number = number;
    public int Value { get { return (int)Suit * Number; } }

We can now design a way to manufacture a deck of cards for us based on some predetermined criteria, which I'll refer to as:

public class Deck
    private const int LENGTH_OF_SUIT = 10;
    private List<Card> deckList = new List<Card>();
    public Deck()

    private void BuildDeck()
        foreach (Suit suit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)))
            for(int number = 1 ; number <= LENGTH_OF_SUIT; number ++)
                deckList.Add(new Card(suit, number));

You may play with this simple structure here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/BnhGGG

answered Jun 11, 2022 by pranav
• 2,590 points

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