Are unconfirmed transactions of a blockchain s memory pool spread over nodes

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I am trying to implement a blockchain in python, I already have the chain code with the ability to create transactions and blocks (and all cryptographical stuff). I have a local memory pool for unconfirmed transactions, are these transactions supposed to be shared with other nodes?

I have searched for information about this topic but I haven't found any concrete information. In my mind, it makes sense that transactions get spread in a kind of "unconfirmed transactions' ' memory pool and that the nodes check for unconfirmed transactions that they don't have in other nodes, deleting those that already exist in the chain. Is this correct? If yes I would be pleased to receive some help or link to information.

Another question: Let's say I own 0.5 of that coin, I want to transfer them to mister X. I perform my transaction and the node checks that in the current chain, I do have 0.5 coins so I sign my transaction and send it to that supposed unconfirmed transaction pool (mention that those are not on the real chain). Then let's say I make another transaction of 0.5 before that transaction gets confirmed. It's the process of building a block to check that I got 0.5 for the first transaction but I do not for the second? Or is it's work of the process of transaction creation? If it's the second, that unconfirmed transactions should take part in the count of actual money. Any help I can get will be well appreciated!!
Mar 29, 2022 in Blockchain by Soham
• 9,710 points

1 answer to this question.

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Yes, as soon as a transaction is received by a node (assuming that node is configured normally) it will broadcast that transaction to its peers immediately following validation. Of course, if the transaction has already been mined (included in a block) it will fail validation. This is necessary because unless that one node has a lot of hash power, it will be very difficult to mine since it would be the only one to know about the transaction. There would also be a lot of conflicts if the mempool wasn't shared.
On your second question:
When you submit a transaction, the wallet software should deduct that from your available balance (assuming it was not rejected). In Bitcoin (and other related currencies), if the transaction is not confirmed (included in a block) within a certain timeframe (Bitcoin is 2 weeks), then it will be removed from the mempool, and the coins are free to spend again. Otherwise, you can do a replace by fee to override that transaction and send coins back to yourself for a small fee.
answered Mar 31, 2022 by Rahul
• 9,680 points

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