How to disable the Azure Bastion for Virtual Machine in Azure cloud

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In the Azure portal, I'm utilising a Virtual Machine. I connected the VM using RDP over there. Now, when I look at my credits, I see that $19 has been spent and that Azure Bastion is being used.

Following that, I performed some research and discovered how to remove all Azure Bastion resources using Azure PowerShell. I removed all Azure Bastion instances and verified the list using the command az network bastion network, and it was empty.

After a day, I connected to the VM again through RDP, and when I checked the utilised information today, it had climbed by $4.

My issue is, why is this occurring after I destroyed all bastion resources in Azure Portal, and how can I entirely stop it since I don't want to be paid again?
Mar 29, 2022 in Azure by Edureka
• 12,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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Please use the below command to check all the azure bastion hosts.

az network bastion list

If any bastion hosts are present, you can delete them using below command :

az network bastion delete --name MyBastionHost --resource-group MyResourceGroup

After deleting your bastion host, make sure to delete your public IP created for bastion host.

Please use the below command to delete public IP :

az network public-ip delete -g MyResourceGroup -n MyIp

For more details please refer to the below document for the pricing of Bastion :

Hope this helps!

Check out the Azure certification to become certified.


answered Mar 29, 2022 by Edureka
• 13,620 points

edited Jun 27, 2023 by Khan Sarfaraz

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