Supress table header in tbl regression of gtsummary

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Update to clarify and show intention:

The related question is here tbl_merge: sort variables alphabetically in merged tbl_regression models {gtsummary} and @Daniel D. Sjoberg already provided the correct and professional answer.

But I want to try if this is possible:

x <- tbl_merge(list(t1, t2, t3 ,t4))

y <- x %>% 
  tbl_split(variables = c(age, ttdeath, response, death, stage, grade)) 

With this code I split the table into one row tables:




and so on.....

Now: I want to remove each footnote and header and merge them in a defined order together. In essence it is the reversal of spliting?!

Thanks for your time and energy!

First question:

With the tbl_regression() function from gtsummary we can make a table.

By adding modify_footnote(everything() ~ NA, abbreviation = TRUE) we can omit footnotes.

like here: from:supress confidence interval footnote in tbl_regression


my_table <-
  lm(mpg ~ disp, mtcars) %>%
  tbl_regression(exponentiate = FALSE) %>%
  modify_footnote(everything() ~ NA, abbreviation = TRUE)


enter image description here

My question:

How can I remove the header part of this table to get this output:


If possible it should be possible with modify_header or modify_table_styling()?!

There is a rationale behind.

The ultimate goal is to split each element of a gtsummary table Split long gtsummary() table to n smaller tables and rearrange them in a given order tbl_merge: sort variables alphabetically in merged tbl_regression models {gtsummary}

Mar 14, 2022 in Machine Learning by Nandini
• 5,480 points

1 answer to this question.

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After you've separated your table, use tbl stack to reassemble it with tbl_stack(). There's no need to stress about the headers and footnotes; they'll take care of themselves tbl_stack(list(y[[2)]], y[[1)]]). 

After you've separated your table, use tbl stack to reassemble it with tbl_stack(). There's no need to stress about the headers and footnotes; they'll take care of themselves tbl_stack(list(y[[2)]], y[[1)]]). 

You can also try using the huxtable backend, here's a simple method:

header <- as_hux_table(my_table)
header <- header[2,] # just row 2 # 

and to bind multiple huxtables together, do e.g. 

rbind(header, header2, header3)

After that, you can use huxtable functions to adjust the style as needed.

answered Mar 17, 2022 by Dev
• 6,000 points

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