Exporting a table from Amazon RDS into a CSV file

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I have a MySQL database running in Amazon RDS, and I want to know how to export an entire table to CSV format.

I currently use MySQL server on Windows to query the Amazon database, but when I try to run an export I get an error, probably because there's no dedicated file server for amazon RDS. Is there a solution to this?
Mar 2, 2022 in Power BI by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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To upload PostgreSQL data to S3, use RDS for PostgreSQL.

Install PostgreSQL extensions that are required. The aws s3 and aws commons extensions are examples of such extensions. Start psql and enter the commands below.

EXTENSION IS CREATED IF aws s3 CASCADE DOES NOT EXIST; To export data to Amazon S3, use the aws s3.query export to s3 method provided by the aws s3 extension. To provide more helper functions, the aws commons extension is added.

To export data, choose an Amazon S3 file path. Specifying the Amazon S3 file path to export to has further information on this process.

Give access to the Amazon S3 bucket permission.

Allow the RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance to access the Amazon S3 bucket that the data will be exported to.

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answered Mar 2, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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