I'm trying to extract in Tableau the first occurrence of part of speech name (e.g. subst, adj, fin) located between { and : in every line from the below snippet:
{subst:pl:nom:m3=18, subst:pl:voc:m3=1, subst:pl:acc:m3=5}
{subst:sg:gen:m3=5, subst:sg:inst:m3=1, subst:sg:gen:f=1, subst:sg:nom:m3=1}
{subst:sg:nom:f=3, subst:sg:loc:f=2, subst:sg:inst:f=1, subst:sg:nom:m3=1}
{adj:sg:nom:m3:pos=2, adj:sg:acc:m3:pos=1, adj:sg:acc:n1.n2:pos=3, adj:pl:acc:m1.p1:pos=3, adj:sg:nom:f:pos=1}
{adj:sg:gen:f:pos=2, adj:sg:nom:n:pos=1}
I use the following regular expression: {(\w+):(?:.*?)}$. Unfortunately my calculated field returns only Null's. Can anyone suggest me what am I doing wrong?