Using Hyperledger composer with Hyperledger Blockchain explorer

0 votes

I have created a Business network using Hyperledger composer and now I want to integrate it with Hyperledger explorer that is available here:

But I am not understanding how to make the configurations. Please help.

Aug 9, 2018 in Blockchain by slayer
• 29,370 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote
Best answer

I was facing the same issue and I found this solution for configuration: 



"network-config": {

    "org1": {

        "name": "Org1",

        "mspid": "Org1MSP",

        "peer1": {

            "requests": "grpc://",

            "events": "grpc://",

            "server-hostname": ""


        "admin": {

            "key": "/home/rob/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scripts/hlfv11/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/",

            "cert": "/home/rob/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scripts/hlfv11/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"




"channel": "composerchannel",



            "mspid": "OrdererMSP",





"keyValueStore": "/tmp/fabric-client-kvs",

"configtxgenToolPath": "fabric-path/fabric-samples/bin",

"eventWaitTime": "30000",

"license": "Apache-2.0",

"version": "1.1"


The changes made in the original file are follows:

  1. name of the org ( "name": "Org1" ),
  2. I removed the TLS certificate references since the Dev fabric doesn't use TLS,
  3. I changed the urls to grpc instead of grpcs,
  4. I pointed the admin cert and key to my locations.
  5. Channel name.

Now to build the app, run these commands

cd blockchain-explorer/app/test

npm install

cd ../

npm install

cd test

npm run test

cd blockchain-explorer

npm install

cd client/

npm install

npm test -- -u --coverage

npm run build

It worked for me!

answered Aug 9, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points

selected May 2, 2019 by Omkar
But how do we configure more than 1 channel in above config.json as Fabric supports multiple channels
Thank you very much for the wonderful solution. It worked for me with an older version of hyperledger explorer. version
+1 vote

First, clone blockchain explorer from git. Then in the blockchain-explorer/config.json include the channel/channel list that you want to use the explorer for. Then open a browser and type https://localhost:8080. You will be able to see details from explorer

answered Apr 25, 2019 by Chandru
Can I use the blockchain explorer from the official site? I have it already downloaded.
Yes, you can use it to do the same. I usually prefer getting applications from github. Used to it :P
Can't find blockchian explorer in github. Please provide link for the same.

Hey @Daya. Maybe you didn't look for it enough. Here's the link:

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