What are the security guidelines for Impala

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It's very confusing, the correct guidelines for Impala on Security are not mentioned clearly anywhere.
Aug 6, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Data_Nerd
• 2,390 points

1 answer to this question.

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Security Guidelines for Impala: The following are the major steps to harden a cluster running Impala against accidents and mistakes, or malicious attackers trying to access sensitive data

  • Secure the root account. The root user can tamper with the Impala daemon, read and write the data files in HDFS, log into other user accounts, and access other system services that are beyond the control of Impala.
  • Restrict membership in the sudoers list (in the /etc/sudoers file). The users who can run the sudo command can do many of the same things as the root user.
  • Ensure the Hadoop ownership and permissions for Impala data files are restricted.
  • Ensure the Hadoop ownership and permissions for Impala log files are restricted.
  • Ensure that the Impala web UI (available by default on port 25000 on each Impala node) is password-protected.
  • Create a policy file that specifies which Impala privileges are available to users in particular Hadoop groups (which by default map to Linux OS groups). Create the associated Linux groups using the "groupadd" command if necessary.
  • The Impala authorization feature makes use of the HDFS file ownership and permissions mechanism; for background information, see the CDH HDFS Permissions Guide. Set up users and assign them to groups at the OS level, corresponding to the different categories of users with different access levels for various databases, tables, and HDFS locations (URIs). Create the associated Linux users using the "useradd" command if necessary, and add them to the appropriate groups with the "usermod" command.
answered Aug 6, 2018 by kurt_cobain
• 9,350 points

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