How does this Ethereum Console output mean

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I was going through I link on Github and I found a console output. I did not understand what it means. There is no enough information for me to understand the output. The output is as follows:

2018-03-09 00:05:12 UTC Syncing #4896969 61ee…bdad     2 blk/s  508 tx/s  16 Mgas/s    645+    1 Qed  #4897616   17/25 peers      4 MiB chain  135 MiB db   42 MiB queue    5 MiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,  0 req/s, 182 µs

What does it mean?

Aug 1, 2018 in Blockchain by slayer
• 29,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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I have divided the output into different parts to make it easy to explain what each of the parts means. So the output is divided like this:

2018-03-09 00:05:12 UTC(1) Syncing #4896969(2) 61ee…bdad(3) 2 blk/s(4) 508 tx/s(5) 16 Mgas/s(6) 645+(7) 1(8) Qed #4897616(9) 17/25 peers(10) 4 MiB chain(11) 135 MiB db(12) 42 MiB queue(13) 5 MiB sync(14) RPC: 0 conn(15), 0 req/s(16), 182 µs(17)

And the meaning is as follows:

  1. Timestamp
  2. Best block number (latest verified block number)
  3. Best block hash
  4. Blocks downloaded per second
  5. Transactions downloaded per second
  6. Millions of gas processed per second
  7. Unverified queue size
  8. Verified queue size
  9. Latest block number
  10. Number of active peer nodes/number of total peer nodes
  11. Blockchain header cache size
  12. Blockchain state cache size
  13. Queue cache size
  14. Node sync metadata cache size
  15. Number of open RPC sessions to your node
  16. RPC requests per second
  17. Approximate roundtrip ping
answered Aug 1, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points

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