Difference between a failed task attempt and a killed task attempt

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I m new to Hadoop and I'm learning MapReduce programming in Hadoop. When I run two separate programs then one of the program shows failed task attempt and other one shows killed task attempt. So, can anyone tell me the difference between a failed task attempt and a killed task attempt?

Thanks in advance!
Jul 24, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Meci Matt
• 9,460 points

1 answer to this question.

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Let me explain you the difference between the two.

A failed task attempt is a task attempt that completed, but with an unexpected status value. A killed task attempt is a duplicate copy of a task attempt that was started as part of speculative execution.

Hadoop uses "speculative execution." The same task may be started on multiple boxes. The first one to finish wins, and the other copies are killed.
Failed tasks are tasks that error out.
There are a few reasons Hadoop can kill tasks by his own decisions:

a) Task does not report progress during timeout (default is 10 minutes)

b) FairScheduler or CapacityScheduler needs the slot for some other pool (FairScheduler) or queue (CapacityScheduler).

c) Speculative execution causes results of task not to be needed since it has completed on other place.

Hope this will clear the difference between a failed task attempt and a killed task attempt.
answered Jul 24, 2018 by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points

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