Broadly speaking these are different components in grammar of graphics:
Data layer
Aesthetics layer
Geometry layer
Facet layer
Co-ordinate layer
Themes layer
Using Anaconda Python 3.6 version For Windows ...READ MORE
You can use the "dplyr" package to ...READ MORE
Try this. lapply(a,function(x){ifelse(is.na(x),mean(a,na.rm = TRUE ...READ MORE
You can parse the strings to symbols. ...READ MORE
R provides 3 basic indexing operators. Refer ...READ MORE
You can use mtabulate in the following way: library(qdapTools) cbind(data[1], ...READ MORE
Apache HBase Consists of the following main ...READ MORE
I'm pretty new to Typescript and I ...READ MORE
Use dplyr function group_by(). > n = as.data.frame(num) > ...READ MORE
You can use the plyr function: data <- ...READ MORE
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