Give the proposal responses you are receiving from endorsing peer you can iterate to check validity of the signatures. Look at the example code from Java SDK which handles this:
* Verifies that a Proposal response is properly signed. The payload is the
* concatenation of the response payload byte string and the endorsement The
* certificate (public key) is gotten from the Endorsement.Endorser.IdBytes
* field
* @param crypto the CryptoPrimitives instance to be used for signing and
* verification
* @return true/false depending on result of signature verification
public boolean verify(CryptoSuite crypto) {
if (isVerified()) { // check if this proposalResponse was already verified by client code
return isVerified();
if (isInvalid()) {
this.isVerified = false;
FabricProposalResponse.Endorsement endorsement = this.proposalResponse.getEndorsement();
ByteString sig = endorsement.getSignature();
try {
Identities.SerializedIdentity endorser = Identities.SerializedIdentity
ByteString plainText = proposalResponse.getPayload().concat(endorsement.getEndorser());
if (config.extraLogLevel(10)) {
if (null != diagnosticFileDumper) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10000);
sb.append("payload TransactionBuilderbytes in hex: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(proposalResponse.getPayload().toByteArray()));
sb.append("endorser bytes in hex: "
+ DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(endorsement.getEndorser().toByteArray()));
sb.append("plainText bytes in hex: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(plainText.toByteArray()));
logger.trace("payload TransactionBuilderbytes: " +
this.isVerified = crypto.verify(endorser.getIdBytes().toByteArray(), config.getSignatureAlgorithm(),
sig.toByteArray(), plainText.toByteArray()
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException | CryptoException e) {
logger.error("verify: Cannot retrieve peer identity from ProposalResponse. Error is: " + e.getMessage(), e);
this.isVerified = false;
return this.isVerified;
} // verify